All of these bits of software are included in the Sirius Suite package. To answer all your questions, Sirius uses Carnegie Mellon’s OpenEphyra software. For image recognition, it uses OpenCV’s SURF. Sirius is built from many other open-source projects, including Carnegie Mellon University’s Sphinx for recognizing speech and UC Berkeley’s Caffe deep learning framework software. This isn’t a piece of ready-made consumer software, so getting it on your own PC involves compiling the code from source.
You’ll also find a “ Sirius Suite” download package, which you should use if you want to install this stuff on your own Linux PC. They can be 2-in-1s, run almost any app on the planet with Chrome Remote Desktop, play Chrome OS games, and run Google and Android apps like Skype, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Assistant, WhatsApp, and many more. Chromebooks have come a long way since they were introduced in 2011. The purpose of this is for ensuring the validity of the download. What can I install on a Chromebook In summary. Next we need to add the GPG key for Docker to our system.

This project is licensed under the BSD license and hosted on GitHub, so anyone can contribute and play with the code. sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common. But Sirius isn’t just a dry research project-it’s actual software you can download and run today.